Kirk D’Amico will screen the film today, November 2. Maureen Bharoocha directed the story of high school best friends who set out to get revenge on their cruel teacher (Moreno) after she threatens to fail the entire class when one student is suspected of cheating.
Moreno won the supporting actress Oscar in 1962 for the original West Side Story and her recent credits include
Fast X
80 For Brady
. She recently wrapped production on Family Switch for Netflix opposite Jennifer Garner. “Knowing that buyers are looking for fresh films with notable cast, this ‘high-school Hitchcock’ hits the right notes starting with an unforgettable performance by Rita Moreno.”Wolfe of Sneak Preview Entertainment added, “The team is excited about Myriad’s continual enthusiasm for the film. I’ve wanted to work with them for a long time and I’m thrilled to have them launching ThePrank into the international marketplace.”AFM 2023: The buzz titles from North America