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Golden Globes adds “cinematic achievement and box office success” category

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Golden Globes adds “cinematic achievement and box office success” category

Source: HFPA

The Golden Globes

According a statement by Globes organiser Dick Clark Productions the new award will recognise the “year’s most acclaimed and highest-earning films, and/or the most viewed films, that have garnered widespread global audience support and achieved cinematic excellence.” The Golden Globes will select the nominees and the winner of the category based on “excellence” once a film meets the qualifying requirements. Films that are in contention for the new category can also qualify in other Globe categories. The new Globe award comes after the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, which announced in 2005 that it would create an Oscar category to recognize outstanding achievement in popular films, dropped the plan after a month due to criticism from the media and Academy members.

Golden Gloves president Helen Hoehne stated that the awards group was “proud” to recognize the hard work and innovation put into making a blockbuster film that is also artistically exceptional. Globes Executive Vice President Tim Gray said: “The Cinematic and Box Office Achievement Award is more than just rewarding this year’s highest-earning and most-viewed motion pictures.” These films are not usually recognized by industry awards but they should be.

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