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Writers’ Guild of Great Britain is “ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder” with US Writers’ Guild as strike looms

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Writers’ Guild of Great Britain is “ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder” with US Writers’ Guild as strike looms

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A US Writers’ Strike is looming.

The Writers’ Guild of Great Britain said it was “ready to stand side by side” with the Writers Guild of America after a unanimous yes vote to industrial action yesterday night (April 17), as part of WGA’s current contract negotiations for improved wages and conditions.

WGGB refused to comment when asked by

Screen if a UK writers’ strike could possibly follow and said it would issue further briefings should a US strike go ahead. WGGB chair Lisa Holdsworth said that the WGA membership had spoken with one voice. “Our fellow writers in the States have shown the power of a union – collective strength and solidarity – in their demand for meaningful change in the treatment of writers.“Many of their issues are our issues. Their fight is also our fight. We hope that the WGA reaches a deal but we are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with our sister union and their members in support of every writer’s right to be paid a decent rate for their work, to be treated with respect and to be financially rewarded for the success of their work – including subsequent use and sales.”

Last week, the WGGB said it in event of a WGA strike it would “advise our membership not to work on projects within the jurisdiction of the WGA for the duration of the strike in line with our IAWG


Results of a week-long online ballot ended on Monday afternoon and showed a 78.79% voter turnout, of which 97.85% or 9,020 WGA members voted in favour of strike authorisation and 2.15% or 198 members voted against. The vote does not guarantee industrial action, as negotiations are ongoing. [International Affiliation of Writers Guilds]In conversation with leading European cinema operators: cost of living challenges and changing consumer behavior

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